You are here: Working with documents > Working with hybrid documents > Attaching parts to a hybrid document

Attaching parts to a hybrid document

Attaching parts to a hybrid document joins multiple documents together as a single hybrid document that share the same properties and workflow.


To attach parts to a hybrid document:

  1. Select the main document to which you want to attach part documents. The property pages of the selected document appear.
  2. On the Edit menu, select Create New Part. The Create New Hybrid Part dialog box appears with the name of the main document as the default name for the new hybrid part.
  3. Verify the name of the hybrid part and click OK. The new part appears in the Available hybrid parts list on the Hybrid Parts page. To upload a file as content for the new part, see Uploading hybrid part content.

To attach parts to a hybrid document:

  1. Arrange the Folders view so that all of the parts of the hybrid document are visible, if possible.
  2. Select the documents that you want to become subordinate parts of the hybrid document and drag and drop them onto the file that you want to become the main part of the hybrid document. Select Attach as Hybrid Part from the shortcut menu that appears.

Related concepts

Working with hybrid documents

Related tasks

Importing hybrid documents

Detaching parts of a hybrid document

Converting normal documents into hybrid documents